Terms & Conditions

The MBNA Chester Marathon & Metric Marathon and the Essar Chester Half Marathon events are organised by Active Leisure Events Ltd.

Active Leisure Events Ltd is a limited company registered in England & Wales, company number 07071218. For Customer Services, please contact enquiries@chestermarathon.co.uk.

By using our website, you agree to abide with our Site Usage Policy.

By entering our races you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:

  1. Entrants must be:
    15 years or older on race day to enter the Chester 10K,
    17 years or older on race day to enter the Essar Chester Half Marathon and
    18 years or older on race day to enter the MBNA Chester Marathon and Metric Marathon.
  2. These races are registered by UK Athletics and run under their rules for competition. Runners must abide by the UK Athletics rules.
  3. Copies of our current race licences are here: MBNA Chester Marathon and Metric Marathon, Essar Chester 2017 Half Marathon and Chester 10K.
  4. The courses are accurately measured by a qualified UKA official, and the current course measurement certificates are here: MBNA Chester Marathon; MBNA Metric MarathonEssar Chester Half Marathon and Chester 10K.
  5. A discount of £2 will be given to runners who are affiliated to UK Athletics at the time that they enter the race. 
  6. Entry fees are not refundable, except in the case of total cancellation of an event. The race organisers reserve the right to delay or suspend a race due to emergency or extraordinary conditions, and in this case no refund will be payable.
  7. Entries cannot be deferred. Entrants can transfer their entry to a replacement runner. For more information see the relevant FAQ pages. Any runner competing in another person's race number will be disqualified.
  8. The race organisers reserve the right to refuse or cancel applications, including duplicate applications, or alter the date of the event, the course route or distance.
  9. Runners and spectators attend, participate and spectate at their own risk entirely.
  10. The race organisers, sponsors, charities, suppliers and/or their agents will not be liable for any injury, loss or expense which may arise in consequence of your participation in any of our events.
  11. The race organisers, sponsors, charities, suppliers and/or their agents will not accept liability for any accidents, damage or loss incurred whilst parking at our events.
  12. All runners are required to complete the contact and medical details form on the back of their race number in case of medical emergency on race day.
  13. Your name will be included in the list of runners, shown on race results and available for athlete tracking. These items will be published on our own website and/or on partners' websites.  Your christian name may be printed on your race number.
  14. You may be photographed or videoed during the events and the organisers reserve the right to use such photographs or video footage on this website or for publicity or other purposes.
  15. Toilet facilities are provided at the start/finish and on the course, and urinating or defecating anywhere other than in a recognised toilet may result in disqualification.
  16. If you are issued with a timing chip, then you are responsible for wearing the timing chip during the event in accordance with instructions in the race details. It is a condition of the events that you cross all timing mats provided, and are recorded passing any timing or recording points on the route.
  17. Late starters may not be allowed to cross the start line.
  18. Race marshals and medical team members have the authority to disqualify and remove any runner they consider to be putting their own safety and welfare, or the safety and welfare of others. at risk.
  19. In the event of any dispute the decision of the Race Director shall be final.
  20. A baggage facility may be provided and whilst the organisers will take care to secure possessions, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage.
  21. The race organisers will share data with service providers to the extent necessary to provide event services. The organiser will share with associated race charities data on the athletes fundraising for those charities. The organiser may share limited data with major events such as London Marathon and Boston Marathon to establish qualification status, if requested by such organisations.
  22. Prizes related to age will be based on the competitor's age on race day. If a competitor qualifies for more than one prize, the prize of the higher value will be awarded.
  23. Runners must be able to complete the events in the following times:

10K course 1 hour 30 minutes, Half marathon course in 3 hours, metric marathon in 4 hours and marathon course in 6 hours and to maintain a pace of at least 4.5 miles per hour over the length of the course. Marathon runners who don't reach the village of Aldford by 2pm won't be able to continue, for their own safety.

Our terms and conditions are reviewed periodically and we reserve the right to amend them accordingly. You are expected to review this page, to be aware of any changes.