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  • Total Fitness

MBNA Metric Marathon - SOLD OUT

The MBNA Chester Metric Marathon is now a popular fixture in the race calendar, giving you the only opportunity in the UK to run over this distance. This is a 26.2km (16.3mile) race which is the ideal stepping stone from a half marathon to a full marathon.

We are looking forward to the fifth MBNA Chester Metric Marathon on 7th October 2018 and hope that you choose to run with us.  

As runners ourselves we are passionate about delivering what for us would be the perfect race; a premier quality, competitively priced race which caters for the needs of runners of all

The route is on closed roads and you will run past all Chester's iconic landmarks (Roman Walls, Cathedral, Medieval Rows,  Eastgate Clock, Amphitheatre) before heading out to the stunning Cheshire countryside and villages. After joining the marathon runners at Aldford you begin the return journey, coming into Chester alongside the River Dee for a unforgettable finish at the Racecourse. The support in the villages and communities along the course is one of the many highlights of the race.

With our web site packed with all the information you need about the race, our free monthly paced training runs, seminars and 700 dedicated and enthusiastic race day volunteers, we are here for you to help you achieve your goals and enjoy the race day experience.

Race day will also include the MBNA Chester Marathon (26.2 miles) and the MBNA Chester Mini Marathon (1 mile).

Please read on through the web site for more information.  If you have any questions that are not covered by the web site or our FAQ’s please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Join us on Facebook and Twitter and share the build up to the race.

Good times!

Chris & Andy
Race Organisers




Course Record


Matt Adcock in 2015


Hannah Jarvis in 2017

2017 Results

1st Chris Pownell (Knowsley Harriers) 1:35:37
2nd Darren Rowlands (Wrexham AC) 1:36:58
3rd Joshua Crowther (Blackburn Road Runners) 1:37:17
1st Hannah Jarvis (Dorking & Mole Valley AC) 1:44:14
2nd Es Burford 1:45:33
3rd Alison Moore 1:52:44
See all results


As with all such events, our events would not be possible without the help of a huge team of volunteers.

Find out more.
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